Friday, September 28, 2012


こんにちわ みんなさん!
わたし は ほんとうに  たふ しゅう ありました。
わたし は だいじょぶ じゃ ありません。
わたし は とても びょうにんです。
わたし の はは は しんぱい でした。
わたし は タイレノル
アヂビ のみました。
てんき は わるい です よ。
わたし は たいざい いえ なか に います。
さよおなら みんなさん!

Hey everyone!
I had a really tough week.
I am not okay.
I was very sick.
My mom was worried.
I drank Tylenol and Advil.
The weather is bad.
I will stay in my house.
bye everyone!

Hopefully I will feel better!
とても ざんねん です ね!

I need to go to byoin! (hospital)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Nihongo :)

こんにちわ みんなさん!
みんなさん は げんき です か?
しゅうまつ は どう でした か?
私の しゅうまつ は たいくつな でした。
私はしゅくだいでした が わたしの 弟 は ビデオゲーム しました。
エリクさんめいわくな が おかしい 人 です。
エリク は がっこう きらい です よ。
あなたの 弟 つてどんな 人 でしょう か?

English Translation :)

Hey all!
Is everyone good?
How was the weekend?
I am good.
My weekend was boring.
I did homework but my brother played video games.
My twin brother's name is Erik.
Erik is an annoying but funny kind of person.
What kind of person is your brother?

エリカ と エリク です。 :) 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

エリカさん二番 ブログ !

みんな は、げんきですか?
私は、げんき です が 私は 水曜日に かなし かった でした。
私の,姉 は ひっこし でした。
わたしの かぞく は とりみだした ですした。
私は、わたしの、姉 たくさん お けつじょ です。
わたしの、姉は、成人 です。 
 あなたの、きょうだい は ひっこし とき です か?

My English Translation :
Is everyone well?
I Am well, but i was sad on Wednesday.
My older sister moved out.
My family was distraught. 
I miss my older sister a lot.
 My older sister is an adult.
 My older sister is 27 years old.
When did your siblings move out?

Me and My 姉:)<3

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Why I am taking Jap225:
I started learning Japanese in my 8th grade year of Jr. High. It wasn't too great of an experience because I felt I could never remember anything the sensei was teaching, and it was so frustrating. By the time I got to high school i was so freaked out by that experience, I took 3 years of Spanish and found the easy way out because I already knew Spanish. However, I remember thinking when I started college that I wanted to add to my assets, not diminish them. So, with that in mind, I registered for Japanese my sophomore year. My first sensei wasn't too easy to understand and I thought I was going to fail, but then I actually passed. That pushed me to continue learning this intricate, yet beautiful language

Honestly, the truest reason why I am taking Jap225 is because I have such a good professor named Kaku-sensei teaching me this language. She is so patient, understanding and helpful you'd be ashamed not to sit and try to learn it to the best of your ability. With her guiding me and my classmates, I feel there is no way we could not learn Japanese. It may be a daunting task at times, and we may never get as far as we'd like, but we'll be damn good by the time we finish this course. I appreciate her dedication and help very much.

